Our Bag of Tricks

Brand & Product Identity

We’ve built brands from the ground up. Maybe you have a company name, maybe you just have an idea. Maybe you have an established brand or product identity and are looking for a refresh. Whatever stage you’re at, we can guide you through the steps necessary to reach your goal. A brand is more than just a logo so be prepared to answer some thought provoking questions as we pinpoint your company's position and direction.

Restaurants, retail interiors, office spaces. Trade show booths, exhibits, events. Indoors or outdoors, permanent or temporary, we love surrounding people with well designed environments.

Product Design

There’s something intimate about designing something you can hold or walk around. From the 3D shaping, to custom graphics to material selection it's the tiny details that elevate the user experience.

Retail Displays &
Product Packaging


We know first hand the level of care that goes into product design in order to create a positive user experience. We believe this experience begins before the product is even in the user's hands and that the quality of the product must extend to the retail presentation. Retail displays and packaging serve practical purposes but they also serve as silent sales people and brand ambassadors. This may be your customer's introduction to your brand so best to make a good first impression.


Logos, event & trade show graphics, signage. Product graphics, packaging, catalogs.

Production Management

Call us overprotective but we aren’t ones to let our designs leave the nest without some guidance. Most often we continue on with a project beyond the design stage, working with domestic and overseas production vendors to ensure that our design intent is properly executed and your project is delivered on time and within budget. Nothing gives us more pleasure than seeing our designs brought to life first hand.

Website Design

Getting as immersed as we do with certain projects, especially those brands we help build, we occasionally find ourselves on the artsy end of website development. We know how to structure content and we know what looks good. When it comes to the nuts and bolts of website creation there are specialists we partner with to make it all work while we ensure the brand is represented properly.